Board of Directors is committed to improving organizations by operating under the principles of good corporate governance and coupled with the implementation of its corporate social responsibility (CSR) guidelines on social responsibility of business conducted by the Stock Exchange of Thailand. It has been determined that social responsibility is an important issue by forming part of the ethics of the business under the Subject “Care and Social Responsibility”
The Company recognizes that company. Petrochemical and chemical products distribution business there. Must be trust and confidence in safety. The company has a policy of complying with all laws, regulations, standards and codes that are strictly related. Including conducting business with integrity, transparency and social responsibility.
Board of Directors It gives priority to social responsibility. It has set a policy of social responsibility in business processes. The guidelines are as follows.
1) The operation of the fair.
The Company treats competitors under the relevant laws and business ethics of the Company. According to the rules of fair competition. Situated on the basis of obtaining a fair return on both sides.
– There is no advantage to a business rival. By distorting business information that may affect the reputation of a competitor.
– Avoid agreements or talked with employees of competitors. About Marketing The business plan that will affect the business.
– Maintain confidentiality of information or partners. Not to apply for their own interests or those involving wrongful.
– Not taking any action relating to intellectual property infringement. Including encouraging executives Employees use company assets and resources more effectively. Products and services are used under license. It is clearly defined in the company’s business ethics
2) Respect for human rights.
The Company’s policy is to ensure fairness to all stakeholders by complying with laws and regulations and adhere to the basic principles of human rights according to international criteria without distinction of origin, race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, national ancestry, financial institution or other status that is not directly related to operations, including the right environment to work without violating privacy rights. There is mutual respect As well as provide assistance Comments, suggestions and resolve to work together.
3) To treat workers fairly.
The Company recognizes that employees are the most valuable asset of the company, the company aims to support the development of human resources to maximize the benefits to the Company. It also encourages employees to participate in creating a good working atmosphere and culture and promote teamwork. Hear comments and suggestions from all employees equally equality. Compensation and benefits, and fairness.
The company encourages employees to have knowledge, skills and experience. To contribute to operational efficiency. By training employees in departments of the Company. Also sending staff to training outside to increase their knowledge in various fields related to the work and the knowledge gained from the training to convey to my colleagues to gain knowledge such as training standards. The new training systems, computer networks, and so on.
4) Responsibility for customers and consumers.
The company is committed to excellence in the delivery of standard products. Secure and quality to meet customer satisfaction. As well as adherence to honesty and maintaining ethical business practices which is defined as a part of the code of conduct for its employees and the company. As dealers will come from the manufacturer with large, both nationally and globally. These companies, which are companies that have been widely accepted. In terms of quality of products And in good conscience to society
5) Environmental care
The company engages in the purchase and disposition (Trading), the company has a policy to consider and purchase from the manufacturer/vendor standards. And environmental awareness as well as the care and consideration of environmental impact at every stage of the business process. The company’s focus on the environment has changed society as a whole. Both affect health. And safety of employees and the society. Taking into account the impact over business outcomes. It has been the policy of the business with regard to the environment.
– Encouraging employees to have a conscience and environmental responsibility.
– Comply with the written terms and intent of the law concerned. The various agencies involved in environmental issues.
– Maintain workplace safety standards, health and environment by adhering to the standards of the best practice guide.
– The company will oversee all stages of the product. To prevent potential harm to employees and customers both in terms of safety and health.
– The company will manage the use of natural resources and energy efficiency. By promoting energy efficiency in the company’s activities. To try and alleviate the problem of global warming. Coupled with
6) The Community and Social Development.
The Company’s policy is to develop and build relationships in the community and society. Behave in accordance with the cultural traditions of neighboring communities where the company operates in and cooperate with all parties in the community. In order to create a sustainable society.
The company has operations in consideration of the safety of the working environment inside and around the establishment the Company has adopted a strict management of occupational health and Safety As part of the operational guidelines for effectiveness. The policy on safety, health and environment in the works.
– The company will develop and implement management systems, occupational health and safety properly. In accordance with the Law And other requirements set forth by the Company.
– The company will support the improvement of working conditions. And the working environment is safe and conducive to physical and mental health in the workplace. To make the operation more efficient.
– The company is implementing security. It is the responsibility of the management and staff at all levels. By taking into account their own safety, colleague long with assets of the Company for the duration of the operation.
– The Company provides facilities such as adequate and hygienic toilet drinking water standards (check the filter every month) and a standard warehouse, etc.
– Company’s new black supervised environment within and around the company is always to meet the standards required by law.
Board of Directors Is committed to operate under the principles of corporate governance and social responsibility for sustainable development and perceives that corruption is threat that compromises sabotage and the nation as a whole. Therefore, the Board of Directors No. 1/2018 held on February 26, 2018, has approved the Company and announced its intention to join the alliance of private practice to work against corruption in Thailand (Thailand’s Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption: CAC).
By Khun Pala Sookawesh, Chairman of the Board of Directors Has signed a declaration of intention to be a collective action coalition of the Thai private sector in anti-corruption on 26 February 2018. At May 2019, the meeting of the CAC has a resolution to accept the Company as the member of CAC. This will valid for 3 years.
At present, the company is in the process of preparing a self-evaluation form of anti-corruption measures. Corruption to apply for certification as a member of the Certification Process.
Thus, from the Company’s Clear to cooperate with and support public and private sector, the Company has established an anti-corruption court corruption. The guidelines “The alignment of private practice in the fight against corruption, Thailand” to a clear code of conduct in business by directors, management and all employees must comply with the policy.
– Prohibits Directors, management and staff or to offer to the property or any other benefits to third parties. To encourage that person acts or omissions which violate the law or wrongful act on its position.
– Provide a system of internal controls, efficient and effective. There are checks and balances of power appropriately. To prevent employee fraud or have been involved in corruption and corrupt other.
– Awareness, values, attitudes to employees in compliance with the rules. With honesty
As of December 31, 2020 the Company has total employees (Excluded the management level) by 148 persons. In the past 3 years, the Company has no any dispute of labor.
Total remuneration of employees during the year 2020 (excluding management level) which include the turnover during the year breakdown into salary wages overtime bonus and other benefits amounting to 60.62 Million Baht.
The Company sets out the policy on human resource development to increase the efficiency of employees. The Company recognized that the recruitment process is very important processes in obtaining the qualified people into the organization. The Company set the program in both internal and external training to develop people in organization and motivate them as well.
– Such policies led to an efficient and efficiency work of employees which directly reduced the loss in working process and cost of sale as well.
– The Company has established the provident fund for the employees at the rate of 2% of their salary. The employees who are work with company not less than 3 years and retired or resigned will benefit from this provident fund.
The company recognizes its social responsibility, together with the business of the Company in 2015 are as follows.
– Activities for the preservation of religious co-hosted by the company in the construction of places of worship, including other related buildings. The company also has been involved in the offering. Ceremony with temples in Bangkok. And other provinces
– Energy conservation activities, such as organizing events to raise awareness of employees. To contribute to environmental conservation. Office/ warehouse follows
— A campaign of paper used in the office (Reuse Paper).
— To encourage employees to use the stairs instead of the elevator. Healthy and can save energy.
— A campaign off air conditioning lighting off and turn off the computer screen during the lunch break. And the time to work outside the office. To save energy.
— The campaign uses containers that can be used against them. Without leaving In order to reduce global warming, such as the rice (Tiffin) mug identification and so on.